EIA - List of categories under NEM:WA
Category A activities:
1 - The storage of general waste in lagoons
6 - The treatment of general waste using any form of treatment at a facility that has the capacity to process in excess of 10 tons but less than 100 tons
7 - The treatment of hazardous waste, including animal carcasses, using any form of treatment at a facility that has the capacity to process in excess of 500kg but less than 1 ton per day excluding the treatment of effluent, wastewater or sewage
9 - The treatment of hazardous waste, including animal carcasses, using any form of treatment at a facility that has the capacity to process in excess of 500kg but less than 1 ton per day excluding the treatment of effluent, wastewater or sewage
10 - The disposal of general waste to land covering an area of more than 50m2 but less than 200m2 and with a total capacity not exceeding 25 000 tons
11 - The disposal of domestic waste generated on premises in areas not serviced by the municipal service where the waste disposed exceeds 500kg per month
12 - The construction of a facility for a waste management activity listed in (not in isolation to associated waste management activity)
13 - The expansion of a waste management activity listed in Category A or B which does not trigger an additional waste management activity
14 - The decommissioning of a facility for a waste management activity listed in Category A or B of this Schedule
Category B activities:
1 - The storage of hazardous waste in lagoons excluding storage of effluent, wastewater or sewage
2 - The reuse or recycling of hazardous waste in excess of 1 ton per day, excluding reuse or recycling that tales place as an integral part of an internal manufacturing process within the same premises
4 - The treatment of hazardous waste in excess of 1 ton per day calculated as monthly average; using any form of treatment excluding the treatment of effluent, waste water or sewage
5 - The treatment of hazardous waste in lagoons, excluding the treatment of effluent, wastewater or sewage
6 - The treatment of general waste in excess of 100 tons per day calculated as a monthly average, using any form of treatment
7 - The disposal of any quantity of hazardous waste to land
8 - The disposal of general waste to land covering an area in excess of 200m2 and with a total capacity exceeding 25 000 tons
10 - The construction of a facility for a waste management activity listed in Category B of this Schedule (not in isolation to associated waste management activity)